So, I got burned by Kotlin recently. Don’t get me wrong here, I like it that I still find myself in situations where I think things should work, but they just don’t.

Let me describe the problem here. My colleague asked if I know how one could debounce LiveData emissions, similar to behaviour of debounce operator of RxJava, with a help of MediatorLiveData and some simple code, that just always reschedules message send to UI thread, I tried to implement it like this:

val runnable = {
 mediatorLiveData.value = source.value

mediatorLiveData.addSource(source) { newElement -> 
 handler.postDelayed(runnable, delay)

Seems good, code complies without any errors or warnings. But the result is nowhere near what one would expect, as the queued Runnables are not being dequeued and will always get executed, which is not in our desire, but rather have the Runnable execute only after give time if no new element was emitted by the source LiveData. At first glance the code seems correct so the obvious step should be to take a look at decompiled bytecode using awesome Intellij tooling (Tools -> Kotlin -> Show Kotlin Bytecode -> Decompile):

class DataKt$debounce$$inlined$also$lambda$1$1 implements Runnable {
   // $FF: synthetic field
   private final Function0 function;

   Livedata2Kt$debounce$$inlined$also$lambda$1$1(Function0 var1) {
      this.function = var1;

   // $FF: synthetic method
   public final void run() { ... }
// $FF: synthetic field
final Function0 $runnable;
public final void onChanged(@Nullable Object it) {
  Handler var10000 = this.$handler;
  Object var10001 = this.$runnable;
  Object var2;
  if (this.$runnable != null) {
    var2 = var10001;
    var10001 = new DataKt$debounce$$inlined$also$lambda$1$1((Function0)var2);

  var10000 = this.$handler;
  var10001 = this.$runnable;
  if (this.$runnable != null) {
    var2 = var10001;
    var10001 = new DataKt$debounce$$inlined$also$lambda$1$2((Function0)var2);

  var10000.postDelayed((Runnable)var10001, this.$delay$inlined);

The shortened example shows what is really happening. The important part is that since both removeCallback and postDelayed methods are expecting first parameter to be of type Runnable Kotlin compiler wraps the lambda function into class that implements the Runnable contract and always creates a new instance of the wrapper class, which results in no Runnable being dequeued.

The solution to this problem is simple. We just have to be explicit towards compiler about what type of callback are we going to be passing, so a simple change like:

val runnable = Runnable {
  mediatorLiveData.value = source.value

which will result into correctly generated code:

// $FF: synthetic field
final Runnable $runnable;
public final void onChanged(@Nullable Object it) {
   this.$handler.postDelayed(this.$runnable, this.$delay$inlined);

which results in expected code.

TL;DR of the story is to be explicit about types of anonymous callbacks when using Kotlin with Java interop.