source/targetCompatibility in Gradle

When working with the Android Gradle plugin you are really likely to run into a block of code that looks like this: compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_xx targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_xx } sourceCompatibility - restricts language features that we can use in our codebase. Usually is set up to a version of the JDK used for compilation. As an example using JavaVersion.VERSION_11 enables us to use var keyword for local variable type definition.
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Asynchronous layout inflation

With recent release of Android Support Library, revision 24 Google developers baked into v4 library a new helper class for asynchronous inflation of layouts. Enter AsyncLayoutInflater You will find use for AsyncLayoutInflater in cases when you want to inflate parts of your applications UI lazily or as an response to users interactions. This helper class will allow your UI thread to continue being responsive while heavy inflation is being performed.
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